Wednesday, September 25, 2002

Okay. It's been far too long since I updated here...

I've been horribly busy, it seems, but I don't have much to show for it. I'm taking the day off today, though, and I have a list. I'm going to see how much of that list I can get done by noon. (Hopefully at least half.)

On my list:

Clean out inbox

Pack rest of stuff for PO

Take stuff to PO

Rearrange auction stuff in basement

Post auctions (lots and lots)

Pack more of my stuff, specifically in the bedroom, livingroom/dining room, and kitchen

Start sorting through office stuff

Take boxes out of car and post those auctions/go through them/repack what I'm keeping


This weekend is Basement Weekend. If I can get the auction stuff sorted out today, especially the books on the various bookcases for easy access, then I will be doing quite well.

Basically, what I have to do in the basement is pack up everything to keep and then post the rest. And there is more to post than to keep.

I'm also going to drive around a bit (probably Saturday afternoon) and look for more places to live. This means a drive to Lancaster. Perhaps, if I have enough money, I will eat lunch out or something. We'll see.


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